Icebug is more than just a company
At Icebug we want to have a better world and the world's best workplace.
An important step towards the creating this environment was taken in 2016, when we moved from the inner city in Gothenburg out to Jonsered. Here we are right at a nature reserve, only 11 minutes by train from Gothenburg Central Station.
Our office is a place where creativity and feeling good may take both space and time. We have yoga studio, dressing room with shower and sauna and kilometers of kilometers of forest, trails, and lakes. We invest heavily in health care and work 37.5 hours a week with flex schedules.

We gather around our wood fireplace, arguing about which coffee we should stock in our kitchen, playing table tennis, running, going, drinking lots of coffee – and working hard but smart. Since 2018, our work is conducted according to the Scrum model. Cross-functional teams work together in so-called sprints.
Icebug is a privately held company where it is never far between people or roles. If someone in customer service needs to know anything about a specific shoe model, they can walk over to the product department a few meters away and simply ask.
“Working at Icebug should mean something. That you want to give that little extra but still have the energy left for the rest of life.”

Those of us who work here are driven by the desire to create change. We want to lead the charge for great sustainability work in our industry, and we want to get people outdoors more. Whether you run or walk, what pace you go, that doesn’t matter. Just getting people from the couch and out into the woods creates change, and we make the shoes that allow them to do so--no matter the season or weather.

The journey forward has been fast, especially in recent years. We are still small if you compare us with the industry shoe giants, but we are growing all the time. In addition to the main office in Jonsered, where we now have almost 30 people, we also have offices in Germany and the US.
Besides those that work here, we also have a bunch of fantastic brand ambassadors and partners who are passionate about the same things that we are.